
This is most likely what you are going to end up paying attention to. :)

General Info

  • Currently only reading is supported, writing supported is planned for a future version.
  • Opacity values should always be 0.0 - 1.0
  • Blend / Clip layers are currently exported as regular image layers, leaving the blend / clip composition to be done externally. Automatic support for these operations in this library TBD.
  • Each layer is the same size as the whole project - contentsRect is not usually respected by procreate from my experiments. This is why the clip_to_content argument to get_image_data() is default False.

Reading Data

Available data for reading includes basic metadata about the project and it’s layers, as well as the Image data.

from pyprocreate import Project

project = Project("/path/to/some/project.procreate")  # open a project
project.close()  # close handle on the procreate file

with Project("/path/to/some/project.procreate") as project:  # also works as a context manager
    width, height = project.dimensions

    # layers can be referenced in order
    for layer in project.layers:
        print(layer.name, layer.dimensions, layer.bounding_rect, layer.UUID)
        print(layer.z_index, layer.opacity, layer.visible, layer.hidden)

    # or by name
    layer = project['Awesome Layer']

    # or by UUID
    layer = project.get_layer_by_uuid("6A163DC4-B344-4C76-AF3B-369484692B20")

You can get image data for the whole project, or each layer separately. Each image data will be returned as a Pillow/PIL Image() Object.

project.get_image_data().save("/some/disk/location.png")  # PIL exports automatically based on the file ext you give

for layer in project.layers:
    project.get_image_data().crop((0,0,50,50)).save(f"{layer.name}.png")  # all PIL methods work here